Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tell me a Story

I was your average 9 year old third grader, but that all changed when I had to get braces. I had a terrible over bite and it wasn't going to go away by itself.  My mom took me to a orthodontics office and they put me in this dark room and took pictures of my mouth. About a month later I went back to the office and they started the torture treatment. I was sat down on a big chair and the poked and jabbed at my teeth until they started to put on the braces.  When they went on I felt like I had an alien in my mouth. It was torture. My whole mouth hurt and I could not chew on anything. The night of getting my braces on was the worst and the best, because I couldn't eat very much dinner, but for dessert I got chocolate covered brownies! YUM!! All in all they were okay, I had them on for 11 months and they turned out okay in the end.

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